Welcome GuestTennis Warwickshire
Metropolitan Summer League
28 Fixtures
Last Updated: 20-04-2024Mixed
Show All Moseley 3 Matches1Moseley 3110040814731+74
Show All Edgbaston Archery 3 Matches2Edgbaston Archery 3110031644035+23
Show All Walmley 2 Matches3Walmley 2100113463540-21
Show All Moseley 4 Matches4Moseley 4100104183147-70
Show All Chantry Matches5Chantry000000000000
Show All Little Aston 2 Matches6Little Aston 2000000000000
Show All Moorpool Matches7Moorpool000000000000
Show All Solihull Tennis 2 Matches8Solihull Tennis 2000000000000

Mixed 4 Players Table [?]
Mixed 4 Fixtures
DateMatch RubbersSetsGames
11.04.24 - Thu Moseley 3 - Moseley 44v08v147v31
18.04.24 - Thu Walmley 2 - Edgbaston Archery 31v34v635v40
01.05.24 - Wed Moseley 3 - Edgbaston Archery 3
05.05.24 - Sun 10.00 Solihull Tennis 2 - Chantry
09.05.24 - Thu Moseley 4 - Moorpool
16.05.24 - Thu Walmley 2 - Solihull Tennis 2
19.05.24 - Sun 14.00 Chantry - Moseley 4
30.05.24 - Thu Walmley 2 - Moseley 3
03.06.24 - Mon Moorpool - Solihull Tennis 2
07.06.24 - Fri Edgbaston Archery 3 - Chantry
07.06.24 - Fri Little Aston 2 - Moseley 3
13.06.24 - Thu Moseley 3 - Moorpool
16.06.24 - Sun 10.00 Solihull Tennis 2 - Moseley 4
17.06.24 - Mon Little Aston 2 - Moorpool
23.06.24 - Sun 14.00 Chantry - Little Aston 2
28.06.24 - Fri Edgbaston Archery 3 - Little Aston 2
30.06.24 - Sun 10.00 Solihull Tennis 2 - Moseley 3
03.07.24 - Wed Moorpool - Walmley 2
04.07.24 - Thu Moseley 4 - Little Aston 2
07.07.24 - Sun 14.00 Chantry - Moseley 3
11.07.24 - Thu Walmley 2 - Chantry
15.07.24 - Mon Moorpool - Edgbaston Archery 3
22.07.24 - Mon Little Aston 2 - Solihull Tennis 2
25.07.24 - Thu Moseley 4 - Walmley 2
28.07.24 - Sun 10.00 Solihull Tennis 2 - Edgbaston Archery 3
31.07.24 - Wed Moorpool - Chantry
09.08.24 - Fri Edgbaston Archery 3 - Moseley 4
09.08.24 - Fri Little Aston 2 - Walmley 2
Start times 18.30 unless otherwise stated
League visits: 15456
Mixed 4 visits: 785
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Divisional Secretary
Doug Gibson

Team Contacts

Dave Eddy

Edgbaston Archery 3
Danielle Harvey

Little Aston 2
Ausra Heeley

John Lewis

Moseley 3
Hayley Saunders

Moseley 4
Christian Borgmann

Solihull Tennis 2
Richard Shaw

Walmley 2
James Latham

To view contact details you will need to be logged in, linked to your club and have your account marked 'Consent Granted'.